I finished this watercolor of Tiara this morning. The painting is 11x14 on watercolor paper.
This is the original image.
June 30, 2008
Tiara in watercolor
Canola Fields
I wanted to experiment with using a bit brighter color on black gessoed background. When the canola fields are mowed down in the fall, the drying plants have a variety of gorgeous colors - reds and greens and browns. The colors are brilliant but subtle, and they can't be captured on film.
Canola fields, acrylic, 9x12 canvas
June 16, 2008
Little girl
This little girl came home with us on the weekend. She is so sweet and gentle, and loves to hug and cuddle, but is terrified of the other dogs. She whimpers a lot, and misses her sibs, but hopefully she will get used to her new home soon.

June 10, 2008
abstract mountain scene
When I did the painting I posted yesterday, I was just playing with tube colors to see what the outcome would be, knowing that it would negate the depth to have pure tube color in the background. I was thinking about Emily Carr's gorgeous paintings where she used brilliant tube colors in a landscape and the effect was so stunning.
Today's painting was intended to be much more abstract - to just give the impression of a mountain landscape without clearly defining each tree and rock. The colors are more muted, and there is a much better impression of depth, but it is still not as abstract as I was going for at first. It seems to be all or nothing for me - totally color field abstract, or representational. Ah well, it is a pretty little painting even if it didn't turn out like I envisioned.
June 8, 2008
lighthouse - encaustic
June 2, 2008
Dog Show
I spent the weekend at an outdoor dog show (four days!) with Tiara. She got her first point on Saturday. Nine more to go. She was very interested in meeting all the other dogs, even the ones who weren't interested in meeting her. She got bored with all the standing around, but she still behaved quite well, considering it is only her second show.
Now to get back to some art.