I have been having a lot more difficulty fitting in time for creativity than usual these days. Unless one can count looking at other people's blogs and looking at all the incredible art out there in blogland.
I have been trying to track down a copy of a How To book on sketching while travelling. I know there are a lot out there, and I have looked at them and thought that I would like to buy one but of course nobody stocks them now when I need one. And it is too late to get one via mail order - we leave for Costa Rica in less than two weeks.
I did manage to get out to the art store to get the necessary supplies to take along, though. I bought a new sketchbook of watercolor paper with a coil binding (so I can work in confined spaces like airplane seats). I bought a new mechanical pencil and an eraser. I also bought a set of pencils of different weights with a pencil sharpener, but I'm thinking that might be overkill, and I really don't want to have to carry stuff I won't use, so I may not take those. Then there's a glue stick, a small plastic magnifier, and a set of black india ink pens. I already had a small W&N portable watercolor set that I will take along as well. I keep thinking I am missing something, but since I have tried to keep a sketch journal while travelling before, and never managed to even get it out of the box, I guess I shouldn't stress too much about it.

I am also quite unsure which camera to take. I keep thinking that I should be taking my digital SLR or my film SLR, because the scenery and wildlife will be spectacular photo-ops. But they are both so heavy, and I hate to lug them around, and always worry about getting them stolen. I also have a new light little Lumix, which would be a dream to deal with, but the pictures won't compare to either of the two SLRs.
Any recommendations?
i struggle with that dilemma about cameras too. the slr's are so big and bulky, but the pictures are so gorgeous. it's a tough call! will there be a safe where you're staying where you could store your slr on days you don't need it?
oo, a trip to costa rica sounds like a dream!! i wouldn't worry too much about finding a book about travel sketching. you can make that up as you go. or you could google travel sketching (or plein-air techniques) and i bet you could find some blogs that post that sort of thing. it sounds like a wonderful trip! art-making and gorgeous scenery! lucky you!
Usually I lug the cameras around wherever I go, and pretend it is good exercise. Thanks for the google idea - I don't know why that didn't occur to me!
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