November 14, 2008


As I was walking to work this morning, I saw a young, attractive woman cross the street at the light. She was dressed in jogging gear and had her hair in a pony tail. She was carrying a white cane, and despite (obviously) being partially blind, she was marching along at a very good pace with her held high. I admired her strength and courage, and thought about how incredibly difficult it would be to be even partially blind. How devoid of beauty and everything that, to me, makes life worth living. I am such a visual person that any loss of sight would be devastating for me.

I know that if I lost my sight, the other senses would become stronger, but somehow, it just isn’t the same, and isn’t as fundamental to who I am.

Oh sure, I like music. But I only listen passively, and don’t get particularly engaged. I prefer silence.

I like to eat good food, but I like it even better if I can cook it myself, which requires me to be able to see.

I enjoy scent, too, and love to make my own perfumes. But crafting perfume isn’t as fully engaging as visual art.

I admire people who have learned to enjoy life without seeing. For a visual artist, that is the most tragic thing that could happen.

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